
Why porridge is a great option for athletes

Athletes are now, more than ever, looking at their nutrition as a means to success, because getting your pump on sometimes just isn’t enough.
Why porridge is a great option for athletes

Benefits of porridge for sport

Top athletes have begun to realise that the difference between winning and losing can be found at the bottom of a bowl of porridge in the morning. We don’t think it’s fair that top athletes should get all of these amazing benefits, so we’re revealing the nutritional secrets hidden within those super little oats, secrets that could mean the difference between a personal best celebration and the long walk back to the changing rooms.


Oats also contain loads of Iron, which is a great source of high energy for an athlete. By sprinkling a source of Vitamin C such as blueberries on top of your porridge, it means all that iron will be easily absorbed and you’ll suffer less fatigue - Result!

B Vitamins

The main benefit of B vitamins are the effect they have on the metabolism in our bodies as well as helping us out with an energy boost and increased function on our muscles. Oats contain loads of B Vitamins, which are For both athletes and gym goers, these B vitamins will be sure to keep you full of energy for hours.


Protein + Oats = Proats. Although oats naturally contain just as much protein as eggs, athletes need more than that, especially during major sporting events where top performance is required over a sustained period. A scoop of protein powder is often an easy and tasty way (depending on which flavour) to boost your protein intake.


Porridge is absolutely packed with magnesium, which one of the most underrated minerals and certainly one of the most important for athletes. Why you ask? Sore and overworked muscles can benefit from the restorative properties of Magnesium, as well as the stress hormone cortisol, which is released during physical exercise. So if you’ve really exerted yourself at the gym and your muscles are aching, then the magnesium contained in oats can be a real benefit.

While cortisol is really helpful when you’re working out and competing in terms of adrenaline, having high levels all the time won’t do anyone any good in the long term, and can lead to aching and sore muscles. Many athletes get their fix of magnesium from porridge as it encourages the nervous system to function in a really healthy way.


The beta glucan in porridge is pretty amazing stuff when you think about it. These little super foods manage to keep you full and assist with removing cholesterol from the bloodstream, and provide a leaner waistline. Perfect for top athletes looking to stay energised, healthy, and keep a toned, lean look.

Notes on Oats

Porridge has these nutrients and minerals in abundance, tossing in a few simple spices like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and fruits such as berries, apples, banana, and kiwis are great healthy additions to your porridge. Also top your oats with some extra magnesium, and protein-rich almonds for greater satiety and energy, and toss in a little chia to boost your workout even further.

You'll be in great company, powering your morning with porridge, with top class athletes such as Jess Ennis reporting porridge as their breakfast of choice before a big competition. Even the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt lists porridge as one of his high performance breakfasts.Â